797 views Yuda Electronic (HK) Technology Co.,Limited. 2018-05-02
Now everyone will have the feeling of cell phone battery is not enough, but really is not enough, or how to make it better. Mostly cell phone battery capacity is not so big. Especially with the phone goes thinner and it may out of cell phone battery safety considerations. So how can you make the cell phone battery more durable?
The first is the ambient temperature
So heat wins, more than 35 degrees in the temperature of long-term use, the cell phone battery will be permanently damaged, one to two to fill the full power to become ill. So the best mobile phone to keep between 16 degrees to 22 degrees, summer once the phone hot, it is best to let him rest, or the cell phone battery will leave hidden.
The second should pay attention to optimization settings
Off automatically adjust the screen brightness, turn off the positioning system, stop the background application automatically refresh, etc., iPhone users appropriate use wifi, low power mode. Timely update the system can also keep the cell phone battery in good condition. Andrews users dynamic wallpaper, vibration, key tone can be closed. Of course, Andrews users can have a third party power management tools to use, more convenient than iOS users.
There are many users of today’s cell phone battery have a lot of questions, such as full of electricity should not plug? Has the problem been followed? In fact, this is not the iPhone fully charged, the system will stop charging, has been inserted will not be a problem.
Will repeated charging reduce cell phone battery life?
In fact, this is unnecessary worry, and now the lithium cell phone battery is based on the charging cycle to calculate the cell phone battery life, whenever the completion of a 100% charge, it is considered a cycle, so from 70% charge to 100% is actually only completed 30%, whether divided into several times full, are a cycle, not because the number of loss of Mcell phone battery life. When the charge cycle reaches many times, the cell phone battery power will not become very low, at least 80% of the original cell phone battery power.
For mobile phones such as the need for frequent charging equipment, the cell phone battery maintenance is still a very important thing, if there is no good use of the habit, then perhaps the cell phone battery with less than a year may be greatly attenuated, in the usual use, Although we are charging every day, but not really on the cell phone battery maintenance to understand it? Today we talk about cell phone battery maintenance in this area, to bring you some useful skills.
At present, we use mobile phones and other electronic products in the cell phone battery are all chemical batteries, after repeated use, the cell phone battery electrolyte and metal plate will have a chemical reaction between the metal plate surface will appear a layer of passivation layer, Passivation layer will prevent the generation and adoption of current, so that the cell phone battery internal resistance increases, the cell phone battery can also provide the power will be reduced, resulting in the cell phone battery capacity slowly decay, resulting in more and more durable cell phone battery phenomenon. <Related article: Three Ways to Improve Mobile Phone Battery Life>
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